Wednesday, March 21, 2012

La Dolce Far Niente

Sometimes, we try too hard. Sometimes, we lose our soul trying too hard. We lose balance in the pursuit of a meaningless goal. It would all be worthwhile if that goal was not purely selfish, if it was purposeful. It would be worthwhile if our goals are not fleeting. Moving targets, one after another, and we chase them without respite.  Sometimes, only to reach a goal and then feel a sense of emptiness. The hollow ring of achievement echoes in an overcrowded marketplace of compliments and no one really hears it. But, there are the few that stand out easily with elegance. There are some folks who are not trying too hard, and yet stand out distinguished. There are some folks who want to step away from the limelight, yet shine out bright. There are some folks who bask in effortless achievement. And you wonder what they do right?

If you have seen the movie "Eat,  Love, Pray", you will be familiar with the protagonist and her Italian friends in the "Eat" section of the movie. It is here that she gets a little taste of Italian Tao. It is here that she learns to "be" without worrying too much about consequences. It is here that she learns to "be" without running around after myriad goals. It is here that she learns the sweetness of doing nothing. La Dolce Far Niente, or the sweetness of doing nothing. Isn't that a lovely phrase? It paints a picture of unhurried lazy action. Contrast that to the hustle and bustle of self-imposed deadlines and overambitious goals. Wouldn't you rather be working calmly and quietly in harmony with others? Achieving in slow motion so that it is captured in the hearts of those you touch.

Today's quick paced life is like running on a treadmill, running hard, breaking a sweat but reaching nowhere. The slow charm and lazy elegance of purposeful action is lost on a generation that needs a metric to rate itself. If there are quarterly revenue targets and cost reduction burdens at work, then you have calorie tracking and weight loss targets at home. Of course, in life you have a few other targets, say, own your car by thirty, your house by thirty-five, and the list goes on. And then depending on your personality type, you have additional targets around marriage and household. Well, you either marry and have children or remain like George Clooney and get arrested over Sudan. And finally, you target to have a mistress by eighty because if Hugh Hefner can, you can too. You feel uncomfortable if you don't have targets to run after. You feel you might not accomplish, you might not achieve but for these targets. So much to achieve in so little time, and it makes you run and trip over the next hurdle. So, wouldn't it be better if you did the little you did very well in an unhurried manner, in harmony. The Tao calls is "Wei Wu Wei" or as I understand it means "Action without Action" or effortless action. Look around and you see effortless action in nature, the earth goes around the sun in 365 days, you hardly notice its movement, but move it does. The river meanders to the sea in an unhurried manner, you hardly notice its movement, but move it does. The mountain changes shape everyday, you hardly notice the change, but change it does. What if the earth, the river and the mountain were in a big hurry? That would cause a cosmic collision or a flood or an earthquake, or something dreadful beyond imagination. So, if they can follow the cosmic laws, why can't you? Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you experience La Dolce Far Niente?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Angelina's right leg, other OMG's and WTF's

Angelina Jolie's right leg wanted to stand out on its own on the Oscar stage. Well, it is a couple of weeks past the Oscar ceremony, and the right leg is still standing out there on its own in photographs, cartoons and every possible media outlet. So much so that it found its way into my blog now. It gives immense joy to some seeing it make a naked fool of itself. It provides solace to some others that a leg is a leg is a leg, whether it is Angelina Jolie's or some Tom, Dick and Harry's. And it provides teeth to many fashion critics to chew on another tibia bone of contention. 

Now here is a leg that has its own twitter account and overnight, has created a life of its own. Everyone wants to stand out in his or her own way, everyone is looking for their few minutes of fame, everyone is looking to be instantly valued. So, why can't Angelina's right leg do that? But then, it is worth the debate on what one would do to grab that headline and what actually grabs the headline these days. Would you grab a headline at the cost of your happiness and inner peace of mind? In today's extrovert friendly world, there are many folks who wonder if only gimmicks sell in the world? I have heard many colleagues at workplace ask the question if quiet dedication and consistent results working in the shadows is less valued than the suave and bashful headline grabber who is glib and smooth? Are we increasingly in search of the overnight matinee idol when all you need is a good script and fine actors? The world has some collective thinking to do. Elections are being won based on the oratory skills of contestants, not on the dogged hard work of the reformers. News is being sold on the sensationalism of Page 3 stories, not the true heartwarming stories of hoi polloi. And so it begs the question, is this society about Angelina's right leg, other OMG's and WTF's? Or will it reward the consistency of the hard work and toil,  the blood and sweat ?

For an over-"news"-ed yet uninformed society today, it is time to focus on building the solid, the scalable, the lasting. It is time to build that which lasts, it is time to buy that which lasts. I remember in the old days, when my folks were buying, they would look at durability first and everything else later. Today, we are taken in by the fancy and the fleeting, but it's time to change. Jim Collins, the management thinker and Level 5 leader proponent, states in his book, " There is a direct relationship between the absence of celebrity and the presence of good-to-great results." It is time for such leadership in civil society too. Not celebrity, but true defining leadership. It is time for the solid and durable versus the fancy and the fleeting. Don't you think?