Monday, October 4, 2010

The Whole Person ?

This has been an interesting week. We had senior folks visiting our offices. "From the head office" as senior visitors usually are. We had a series of reviews, town-halls and leadership sessions. You do have important clarifying takeaways from sessions such as these and I had a few too. Well, my biggest take-away during the conversations was a rather innocuous comment the boss made when someone asked her about work-life balance. She said make sure "the whole person" turns up to work. What does that truly mean? Agreed, there are many sides to a personality...the rational, the emotional and so on. All sides together make up the whole person. But do we know our own "whole person" ?

Do we even know what our whole person requirements are? Do we spend enough time working on our own whole person requirements? I relate this to a fundamentally interesting concept that looks at happiness as a function of serving your whole person requirements. It looks at different aspects that contribute to happiness, almost a formula if there is one. The variables as I see it are and in no particular order:
1) Spiritual well-being
2) Economic well-being
3) Intellectual pursuits and education
4) Emotional balance
5) Physical and mental health
6) Ecological and environmental awareness
7) Community and culture connectivity
8) Time use effectiveness
If one is able to balance all the above variables, there is a higher probability that the whole person shows up. There is a higher probability that the person is not unidimensional in life. We are talking about a person, but in fact, this is what a country measures itself on!! Bhutan has a Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index. It measures the country well-being not by GDP, but rather by GNH. Check out their website on . This is a wholeness indicator, not a unidimensional indicator like GDP which only measures economic well-being. I need to perfect my own personal wholeness indicator .... get to acknowledge my own whole person. Have you ever thought about this? Share your perspective.

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